Back at Governor's Ball | How to Do a Festival the Right Way

It's my absolute favorite time of year... Festival Season. I kicked off the circuit of concerts and late night dance marathons with Subway at New York City's Gov Ball. It was one for the books y'all.

As I posted up behind my laptop and thought back to my very first Governor's Ball (Gov Ball's second year in action) I figured why not share a few things I learned along the way.

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1. Public Transportation is Your Friend
I learned this the hard way. Every. Single. Time. Realize that if you do decide to drive there know that you’ll probably be sitting in traffic for a good two hours. Don’t do that; instead embrace the MTA’s offering of a quick bus ride to the island from Harlem. Or if you’re a Queen’s native and wish to avoid the long bus lines, $6.50 bus ride, or subway ride through the city here’s the alternative:

  • Getting there: Take the M60 in Queens towards Harlem. Get off at the first stop and walk the RFK Bridge. It’s a 10 – 15 minute walk and then you’re there.
  • Getting back: Walk the RFK Bridge back towards Harlem and take the M60 back. It’s the first block off the bridge. You’ll be back in Queens in no time.

2. Mind over Matter (on the RFK Bridge)
This is for my Queens kids! You know who you are. This bridge is 30-minute walk and incredibly hard when the sun is beaming on you and even harder when you're crossing it after spending all day at Gov Ball. Just know that you CAN do this. Plus, this a great time to grab a snack before heading into the festival. Psst… There’s a Subway at the start of the RFK bridge.

3. Comfortable Shoes
By now, it should be drilled into your head that there’s going to be a lot of walking. Wear shoes that give you the comfort and support you’ll need from AM to PM. Because honey, you don’t want to be that person who walks home barefoot. These sneakers are my go-to’s time after time.

4. It Will Rain
They don’t call it Mud Ball for nothing. Always pack a disposable poncho. And maybe bring out the tough all-weather boots for those rainy days. I lucked out with two gorgeous days but by Sunday, Mother Nature’s raindrops made a guest appearance.  


5. Don't Forget to Check Out the Pop Ups!
Subway had an amazing pop-up at Governor’s Ball. Once inside I was greeted with a blast of refreshing cold air, a delicious (and free) sandwich of my choice + beverage, and free wifi (so vital when on Randall’s). I must have gone to hang out at Subway's Green Room five times per day since they made the space so inviting: cute outdoor seating area, hammocks, and a constant ongoing game of huge Jenga.

Oh, they also saved my butt with their charging stations. I know they’re headed to Bonnaroo this weekend so if you’re there make sure to stop by and subYAY with them.

6. Stay Hydrated
You’ll be in the sun all day so make sure you stay hydrated. Trust me when I say it’s hella easy to forget to sip on H2O when you’re having fun, but if you want to avoid that dehydration hangover it's best to bring an empty water bottle. There are free water stations everywhere (and usually most music festivals) so you'll be able to quench your thrist easily.


8. Have Fun
Be nice to one another, look after one another, smile a little, dance with strangers. Remember, you’re there for one reason – to have fun!

P.s. Click here to read my survival tips for FireFly Music Festival.


Photos by Erin Andres.

Huge thanks to Subway for inviting me to their Green Room at Governor's Ball. Today's post was in collaboration with them. As always, all opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make this blog possible!