Eventful Day @ Work

Upon learning that "models" who work the entrance/door to A&F get an extra $30 an hour, I decided to put more pep in my step. Smiling way more and interacting with everyone has gotten me onto the 1st floor - aka pretty people ONLY and zero work.

I've been a 1st floor model for a week now. Here's hoping that by Christmas time I will be racking up those extra 30 bones per hour.

If not - at least I can get the satisfaction of being considered pretty by A&F standards AND we all know they only are liking them white peeps.

P.s. A lady co-worker friend told me before she left to never ever slouch when I am sitting. She literally told me I am way too beautiful to be seen sitting like that. Backhanded compliment? I think not.

P.p.s. WHOA! this makes me sound superficial :D. Let's take it down a notch :).