Coming Up Rosy

Earlier this year I swore to everyone I would give up on buying lippies. Two days later I went on a major matte binge thanks to all the latest spring colors being released. (FYI, I think matte is being phased out for velvety finishes).

Haha, anyone else go weak in the knees when it comes to makeup?! Because of my recent splurge, I had to blog about keeping lips soft & hydrated. You know, since I got new lippies on their way to me.


My poor lips (those matte colors can be so harsh) are always in need of some TLC after a long night of a liquid lipstick. Those matte lippies are no joke; they dry out your lips but yet they look so good on. Another no-fun factor is that dry and non-exfoliated lips will look 10x worse when going matte. Add in the wintry elements as of late and you got yourself a hot mess situation.


Since I obviously can’t contain myself when it comes liquid lipsticks, why not embrace the moment and share how I prep my lips before a big date or a shoot with Lydia. You know, take those lemons and make a margarita situation.

  • In the AM, I gently scrub my lips with a soft toothbrush to get rid of dead skin
  • Then I massage in a light layer of Vaseline’s Lip Therapy
  • Before I head out the door I apply one of my favorite matte colors
  • Bonus Points: At night before I finish up for the night I apply a thicker layer of Vaseline’s Lip Therapy – it’s like a hydrating mask for your lips when you apply a bit more

As obsessive I am about matte lippies, I am equally as obsessed with the new Vaseline Lip Therapy Collection. Life without lip balm does give me anxiety and for some reason my lips become even drier – it’s like they know. To prevent that situation I always make sure my purse, desk, and nightstand is stocked with the Vaseline Lip Therapy Tins (before they were stocked with the cute mini jar version).

If you haven’t heard about the Vaseline Lip Tins, that because it’s a new and improved formula + packaging. To be completely honest, the new container is way better and allows for easier application (a godsend). You can find the Lip Tins in Original, Rosy, Cocoa Butter, & Aloe.


I’m a fan of the Rosy since it gives a very light tint (perfect for those no-makeup runs) and decided to let the balm inspire today's look. I'm wearing Ramy Brook, but don't worry I'll go into more #ootd specifics next week - promise!

Now that you know a little more, which Vaseline Lip Tin are you going to try first?

Today's post was created in collaboration with Vaseline. As always, all opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make this blog possible!

Photos by Lydia Hudgens.

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