The Wolfpack: October Update

WHOA, time is just flying on by and the days that are super nice are the days I'm chained to my desk. It's kind of sad how many fun things I've missed out on because I'm stuck in the work grind and how pooped I am on the weekends. Once Friday rolls around, I'm so pumped to sleep in and catch up on the latest Walking Dead episodes. I'm going to make more of an effort to do more (wolfpack) things come November and possibly - gasp - take a few personal days to you know... Enjoy life more. To be honest, what's the point of working so hard if I can't relish in the little moments. 

8. Dumbo Arts Festival

9. Do it up during CMJ

11. Pick some apples upstate

14. Have an epic Halloween in an epic costume

18. Fright Fest @ Six Flags (Sorry too many beers for this one hehehe).

26. Oktoberfest, another reason to drink good beer :)

Remember you can follow the wolfpack live on Instagram (@thestyleboro).

Anything fun you've done this season? Tell me about it in the comments!

Wolfpack: The Red Fox Emerges

Having a wolfpack is way too much fun to contain to one season. In fact this summer's wolfpack list became the go-to when the pack and I were stuck in a rut. SO, I return with a shorter, but still fun, list of things one can do in NYC when the foliage starts to change to orange hues. Remember, there are no fees to join the pack.

1. Row a boat inside Central Park (let's try this one more time)

2. Tour the Brooklyn Brewery

3. Go away somewhere

4. Go on a city tour/cruise boat

5. Watch Interpol live and relive high school

6. Go to a drive-in theater 

7. Museum Mile + visit as many museums as possible (including the Whitney)

8. Dumbo Arts Festival

9. Do it up during CMJ

10. Ice skate the night away

11. Pick some apples upstate

12. Cheer on the NYC Marathon Runners

13. Have weekend getaway in a yurt

14. Have an epic Halloween in an epic costume

15. Watch the Gotham Girls roller derby crew kick butt

16. More bike rides through the hoods is a given, especially the scenic ones

17. Travel to the Catskills (points for staying in a retro trailer)

18. Fright Fest @ Six Flags

19. Learn to swim (??)

20. Skate/Long board in Riverside Park

21. Go to Spa Castle for needed R&R after completing this list

22. See a Broadway Show 

23. Watch a flick at the New York Film Festival

24. Have a game of ultimate Frisbee

25. Check out Storm King

26. Oktoberfest, another reason to drink good beer :)

Now, I don't feel so bad about summer ending. Well here's to completing the Red Fox list!! 

Follow for more wolfpack realness on Instagram (@thestyleboro).

P.s. If there's anything you think I should ADD to this list mention it in the comments below :)

The Wolfpack: August Update

Thankfully, lots of beach trips were made this month. Also note to self, must create a shorter wolfpack list for next summer. Since summer isn't over until the 21st might as well keep this wolfpack going. I'm even contemplating creating a shorter list for the seasons of fall, winter, and spring. If you're looking for fun NYC things to do during those seasons let me know and I'll start creating one for fall. 

3. Go to a baseball game

Sorry too dark for pics during this one vv
16. Dance it out at Summerstage + Celebrate Brooklyn!

24. BEACHES! At least 25 times BEACHES

27. MUST watch the summer screenings with friends (WHAT A VIEW!)

30. Bike rides through the hoods is a given, especially the scenic ones

Pretty active August to make up for the lack of fun in July. Ughhh, can I please haz six more months of summer!? Well, regardless,  follow for more wolfpack realness on Instagram (@thestyleboro).

See the original wolfpack list here.