Holiday Prep with Crest!

Ahh, the week before Christmas when everyone (me included) is trying to do a million things all at once. Should I even mention that 2016 is only a few weeks away? Yea.. let's not even go there haha.

It kind of makes me wish I was still an impatient kid wondering when the heck Santa was going to arrive. Sure the days were long but at least, I wasn't running around with my head cut off.


Without fail, the holidays for me always turn into a mad dash to finish last-minute projects (all the coffee please!) while finishing up all my Christmas shopping. Needless to say, every minute counts.

Oh, and the holiday parties. So. Many. Parties.


There are the get-togethers with the "in-laws", dinners with my fam, a few office parties, and then the fun boozy nights with amazing friends (these always turn into amazing nights). With enough invites to take me through the rest of a year with a gnarly hangover each day.

But just because my days are a little bit jam-packed doesn't mean I won't treat myself during the madness. It's important to keep myself sane, you know?


One thing I really have been wanting to do is get my teeth whiten & straighten. It might be a little too late for braces, but I can whiten my teeth and undo the damage my caffeine addiction has done.

Whitening my teeth with Crest Whitestrips is pretty affordable and something I do before big events (read: all of December). It's super easy to use the strips, not messy at all, and can be worn while on the go. You can even drink water while they're on. For me personally, I love whitening my teeth and having the bright smile and bold lip. In fact, a bold lip is all I can do sometimes when so busy in terms of makeup.

For those of you that have sensitive teeth - these have not caused me any discomfort in the slightest and my teeth are super sensitive. Also, it only takes one hour of wear to get rid of years of coffee and red wine.


Right now, Walmart is having a BOGO event for a limited time on these Crest Whitestrips which is awesome since I can give a box to my boyfriend. It's a pretty awesome deal since a box of Whitestrips can go for $57+ and these are coming out to $39.97.

Well now that my smile is covered all I have to do is make it through the season in one-piece (and get that Christmas list completed ASAP).


DressGentle Fawn  Vest: Zara (similar)  Boots: Zara (similar)  Necklace: Custom (make your own here)  Backpack: Tumi  LipstickPlush via NYX Cosmetics

What are a few ways you prep for the holiday parties this season? Have you ever tried Crest Whitestrips before? I've been loving them since my High School days :).

Today's post has been sponsored by Walmart. As always, all opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting the brands that make this blog possible!