NYC: Staycation Guide

Our chilly east-coast weather gave me a serious case of cabin fever. Instead of going berserk here are a few places that kept me out of hibernation and thankful for these sweet spots.

1. Gagosian Gallery

The Takashi Murakami exhibition may be over, but that shouldn't stop you from exploring the talented roster of artists this gallery puts on display. The gallery is international so check to see if there's an exhibition happening near you here.

Get more info here.

2. Eggshop

Quite possibly the best Bloody Marys and eggs I've had in the LES. Whenever there's room in my budget or it's just one of those days - I make it a point to come here, eat good food, and unwind. OH, and the desserts just kill me every time.

Get more info here.

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3. Mile High Run Club

Can I just say this is the first time I have ever gotten excited to run during winter - because (YAY!) it's indoors. This place just gets me and my needs. There's lots of locker space, the showers are impeccably clean, and each class is led by a coach who wants to see you do your best. If you're looking to switch your routine or give running a go, I highly recommend this spot to get you out of any hibernation funk.

Get more info here.

4. The Bao

St. Marks and delicious eats, just never went hand-in-hand for me. Beer specials and late night pizza slices sound more probable, but then I went to The Bao for dinner - AND - LET - ME - TELL - YOU. The soup dumplings from this place rocked my world like no other.  After devouring all of their soup dumplings, I did a little research and discovered this place has quite the rep (they had a great writeup in the NY Times and other places). The soup dumplings were the perfect thing to warm up on a chilly night.

Get more info here.