You Should Rent #15

Talk to Her - directed by Pedro Almodóvar

In the beginning of the film we are shown two female dancers moving through a space that has been encumbered by chairs and tables. We fear for them and worry about them falling over an obstacle. Yet none of that happens for there is a man, with an unforgettable expression, who does not guide the dancers but ensures that they are safe from the chairs and tables. It is within this sequence Almodóvar visually sets the viewers up for the sympathy and loyalty the audience as well as the two protagonists (Marco and Benigno) will go through. His characters live out their love stories and we the audience get to experience how not only their love stories intertwine with each other but play out like a novella as fate brings the two men together to form a friendship as they wait for their girlfriends to wake from their coma.

You should rent this film because not only is the story great but Almodóvar shows the beauty of the human body through close ups. Whether it's bathing Alicia or Lydia dressing before her bullfight, his images are bright and lively. If I gave examples of which images I'd be spoiling the movie but he definitely has a way of using lighting, angles, and close ups to his advantage. Another reason to watch, it was a 2002 Golden Globe winner for best foreign language film. Now go watch it!!

Find it here on Amazon.